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Town of Oneonta History


Philip S. Bidwell

PO Box 162
West Oneonta, NY 13861
(607) 433 - 1609 


Our mission is to preserve the history of the Town of Oneonta and make it available via the web for educational and research purposes.


Click on the image above for a much larger map showing the Town (in red) and the City (in blue).

If you are like us, you have that crate of old photos or that box of letters from your great-grandfather up in the attic. We would like to share these things, to preserve them and help create a sense of history and continuity for our local community.

If you have historical materials related to the Town of Oneonta, we are interested in taking a look! We are seeking photographs, maps, letters, stories, artifacts... anything of historical interest.

If you have an older home that we can correlate with historical images, we'd love to document that, too. Or if you know of "lost" gravestones or other kinds of markers that are deep in the weeds, let us know!

Our objective is to make the history of the Town available online for students, teachers, researchers, or anyone curious about our roots. To do this we are scanning, photographing and transcribing materials that will then be posted on this site. We are not primarily looking for donations of historical materials (although we can discuss that if you like) but rather just want to borrow them long enough to put them online.

We are also interested in relatively recent history. If you have something good, don't discount it just because it isn't 200 years old!

We can make arrangements to pick up and return your items, or we can meet you in your home or in a public  venue.

If you are thinking about other kinds of projects, like documenting cemeteries or collecting oral history from our older residents, let us know - we would like to hear about it.

If you are interested in participating in the Town History Online Project, contact Town of Oneonta Historian Phil Bidwell by mail at P.O. Box 162, West Oneonta, NY 13861.

Click here to learn about the history of Fortin Park.