City of Oneonta

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Personnel Department

City Hall
258 Main Street
Oneonta, NY 13820
Telephone (607) 432-0670
Fax (607) 432-1706

Our offices are open from 8am until 4pm Monday - Friday (except holidays).

Katie Böttger, Personnel Director
Wendy Miller, Personnel Assistant
David Coury, Administrative Specialist

The Personnel Department is responsible for human resources and civil service administration. The office is in charge of personnel recruitment, benefit administration, and providing assistance with labor relations. The Civil Service Commission is responsible for administering the Civil Service Law for the City of Oneonta, the Oneonta City School District, Huntington Memorial Library, and the Oneonta Housing Authority.

The City of Oneonta is an equal opportunity employer of all individuals, regardless of race, religion, age, color, gender, national origin, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation.

To apply for any job opportunity or civil service exam listed below, please download, complete, and submit the following application:

Application for Examination or Employment

Employment Opportunities With the City of Oneonta

The City of Oneonta is currently taking applications for the following positions: 

Automotive Serviceperson (Part-time):  Duty Statement - Advertisement 

Bus Driver (Part-time): Duty Statement - Advertisement

Engineer I (Provisional) - Duty Statement - Advertisement

Firefighter (Part-time): Duty Statement - Firefighter Residency Requirements

Heavy Equipment Operator:  Duty Statement - Advertisement

Plumbing Inspector (Part-time):  Duty Statement - Advertisement

Civil Service Job Opportunities and Exam Announcements

Deputy City Clerk:  Exam Announcement

Personnel Director:  Exam Announcement

Fitness Requirements:

Firefighter - Fitness Requirements
Police Officer - Fitness Requirements

Civil Service Forms:

Application for Veterans' Credits
Disabled Veterans' Record Authorization
Non-Disabled Veterans' Verification Authorization
Cross Filing Form
Fee Waiver Form

Miscellaneous Information
How to Take a Written Exam - NYS Department of Civil Service Publication